Customize your emails with our templates to give a more professional look to the messages your customers will receive after the registration on your site and after the purchase of a product. A positive and efficient image is built even on details and on how you present the correspondence sent to your users from your e-commerce site: don t leave anything to chance!
YITH WooCommerce Email Templates allows the advanced customization of the WooCommerce standard emails (welcome emails after the registration and confirmation email after a purchase) sent to your shop users.
You will be free to add the logo of your activity, set colors and typography easily and quickly to give a graphic coherence between your site style and the email your users will receive and choose among one of the examples designed by our UX designers according to your needs.
Read more at the official sales page…
Customize your emails with our templates to give a more professional look to the messages your customers will receive after the registration on your site and after the purchase of a product. A positive and efficient image is built even on details and on how you present the correspondence sent to your users from your e-commerce site: don t leave anything to chance!
YITH WooCommerce Email Templates allows the advanced customization of the WooCommerce standard emails (welcome emails after the registration and confirmation email after a purchase) sent to your shop users.
You will be free to add the logo of your activity, set colors and typography easily and quickly to give a graphic coherence between your site style and the email your users will receive and choose among one of the examples designed by our UX designers according to your needs.
Read more at the official sales page…