Easily export all your orders or registered customers filtering results by price, date, customers, products, product variations, product categories, order statuses!
Note: The plugin, as WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.
user: demo
pass: demo
WCOE is a fast and powerful tool that lets the shop admins to export orders or registered and guest customers in one step.
Have you ever had the needing to export only some orders made by one or a set of customers? Export orders containing some particularly products?
Find and all the customers who have bought during a period or have spent at least a certain amount of money? Export complete customers list?
Now you can!
By WCOE plugin you can export all the shop orders and registered/guest customers filtering result by
Read more at the official sales page…
Easily export all your orders or registered customers filtering results by price, date, customers, products, product variations, product categories, order statuses!
Note: The plugin, as WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.
user: demo
pass: demo
WCOE is a fast and powerful tool that lets the shop admins to export orders or registered and guest customers in one step.
Have you ever had the needing to export only some orders made by one or a set of customers? Export orders containing some particularly products?
Find and all the customers who have bought during a period or have spent at least a certain amount of money? Export complete customers list?
Now you can!
By WCOE plugin you can export all the shop orders and registered/guest customers filtering result by
Read more at the official sales page…