WooCommerce Customers Manager

in , on 07/02/2025
WooCommerce Customers Manager

WooCommerce Customers Manager

WooCommerce Customers Manager expands your WooCommerce installation adding additional functionalities under Customer menu voice that lets you easily retrieve all customers personal data, orders, registration date, last orders date, etc

WooCommerce Customers Manager moreover can help you to easily discover most worthy customers of all time or for a given time range. WCCM can give you right information to help you in tailoring special coupons for your customers.

WooCommerce Customers Manager allows you to assign user roles directly on the customers list page! It s very easy, on the role selector area select the roles you want to assign, then check the user to whom assign roles and then simply click the assign button!

WooCommerce Customers Manager WordPress Plugin Features

  • Order assigner tool
  • Add, delete or edit any customer meta!
  • Custom notes, emails and bulk emails!
  • Discover registered customers by orders stats
  • Bulk user role switcher
  • Compatible with WPML, and other Woocommerce extension

WCCM expands your WooCommerce installation allowing you to easily retrieve all customers stats, personal data, import, export, guests conversion, etc and many more features!

Live Demo

user: demo
pass: demo

Compatible With Woocommerce Shipping Tracking And WordPress User Extra Fields Plugins

WCCM is compatible with WooCommerce Shipping Tracking and WordPress User Extra Fields plugins.
This means that will list all order shipping infos and list and edit customer extra fields. Optionally user extra fields can be included in the .csv export file and imported. To import extra field, columns name must have the following format: wpuef_{id}. For example: wpuef_c12. NOTE files extra field will not be imported.

Furhermore you can optionally display Wordpres User Extra Fields content directly in customers table, each field in its own column!

Compatible With Woocommerce Multiple Customer Addresses Plugins

You will be able to display, edit and delete additional customer addesses added using WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses!

Compatible With Woocommerce Eu Vat Field

Would you like to add VAT field managment Good! :) then try my latest plugin WooCoomerce Eu Vat Field! The WCCM plugin has fully support for it, once installed, you will be able to see Vat number for each user edit it and export.

Read more at the official sales page…

Release Information

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WooCommerce Customers Manager

Release Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated


WooCommerce Customers Manager

WooCommerce Customers Manager expands your WooCommerce installation adding additional functionalities under Customer menu voice that lets you easily retrieve all customers personal data, orders, registration date, last orders date, etc

WooCommerce Customers Manager moreover can help you to easily discover most worthy customers of all time or for a given time range. WCCM can give you right information to help you in tailoring special coupons for your customers.

WooCommerce Customers Manager allows you to assign user roles directly on the customers list page! It s very easy, on the role selector area select the roles you want to assign, then check the user to whom assign roles and then simply click the assign button!

WooCommerce Customers Manager WordPress Plugin Features

  • Order assigner tool
  • Add, delete or edit any customer meta!
  • Custom notes, emails and bulk emails!
  • Discover registered customers by orders stats
  • Bulk user role switcher
  • Compatible with WPML, and other Woocommerce extension

WCCM expands your WooCommerce installation allowing you to easily retrieve all customers stats, personal data, import, export, guests conversion, etc and many more features!

Live Demo

user: demo
pass: demo

Compatible With Woocommerce Shipping Tracking And WordPress User Extra Fields Plugins

WCCM is compatible with WooCommerce Shipping Tracking and WordPress User Extra Fields plugins.
This means that will list all order shipping infos and list and edit customer extra fields. Optionally user extra fields can be included in the .csv export file and imported. To import extra field, columns name must have the following format: wpuef_{id}. For example: wpuef_c12. NOTE files extra field will not be imported.

Furhermore you can optionally display Wordpres User Extra Fields content directly in customers table, each field in its own column!

Compatible With Woocommerce Multiple Customer Addresses Plugins

You will be able to display, edit and delete additional customer addesses added using WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses!

Compatible With Woocommerce Eu Vat Field

Would you like to add VAT field managment Good! :) then try my latest plugin WooCoomerce Eu Vat Field! The WCCM plugin has fully support for it, once installed, you will be able to see Vat number for each user edit it and export.

Read more at the official sales page…

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