Your institution has a great deal of information to convey in a short period of time. Text, audio, video, curricula, and more Help students, faculty and press find what they need fast, without the homework.
Use options to get up and running in minutes and start customizing your new site with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Choose from a selection of pre-made templates to build your site: Default, Archives, Blog and Landing Page.
The theme customizer allows you to tweak the Open Source theme s settings, color scheme, and content and see a preview of those changes in real time.
Build up your site with four widget areas that you can customize to fit your brand.
Upload your own logo with the press of a button. Full support for text-based logos for those just getting started.
This theme is mobile responsive, meaning your website will be perfectly optimized for every browser, device, and screen size.
Read more at the official sales page…
Your institution has a great deal of information to convey in a short period of time. Text, audio, video, curricula, and more Help students, faculty and press find what they need fast, without the homework.
Use options to get up and running in minutes and start customizing your new site with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Choose from a selection of pre-made templates to build your site: Default, Archives, Blog and Landing Page.
The theme customizer allows you to tweak the Open Source theme s settings, color scheme, and content and see a preview of those changes in real time.
Build up your site with four widget areas that you can customize to fit your brand.
Upload your own logo with the press of a button. Full support for text-based logos for those just getting started.
This theme is mobile responsive, meaning your website will be perfectly optimized for every browser, device, and screen size.
Read more at the official sales page…