SearchWP Woocommerce Integration

in , on 05/02/2023
Searchwp ? Woocommerce Integration

SearchWP Woocommerce Integration

WooCommerce uses a post type archive template to facilitate search results. This extension allows SearchWP to work with this default behavior by WooCommerce. This extension also incorporates other features of WooCommerce search such as Layered Navigation.

If you are not using a built in/standard WooCommerce search results page (e.g. your search results URL does not have post_type=product anywhere) this extension is not necessary. As a result, if you would like to disable SearchWP s notification add the following to your theme s functions.php:

add_filter( 'searchwp_missing_integration_notices', '__return_false' );

WooCommerce is one of the leading e-commerce platforms for WordPress. SearchWP makes searching your WooCommerce store much more powerful than native WordPress search. WooCommerce also has it s own set of search tools and filtering options. WooCommerce Integration aims to bridge the gap between all of WooCommerce s search tools and SearchWP.

Simply download WooCommerce Integration and activate it alongside SearchWP. SearchWP extensions are separate plugins that in and of themselves are standalone WordPress plugins.

Product Variations

WooCommerce stores Product Variations in a different way than it does Products. There are a few things you can do to integrate Product Variation data alongside your Products depending on how you want results to appear.

If you would like to index Product Variation data alongside Products (allowing Product Variation data to cause the parent Product to appear in search results) you can follow the example outlined by this KB article: Indexing and Searching WooCommerce Product Variation SKUs

Alternatively, you can force Product Variations to appear as their own post type by using this as a starting point: view code snippet.

Read more at the official sales page…

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Searchwp ? Woocommerce Integration

Release Information

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SearchWP Woocommerce Integration

WooCommerce uses a post type archive template to facilitate search results. This extension allows SearchWP to work with this default behavior by WooCommerce. This extension also incorporates other features of WooCommerce search such as Layered Navigation.

If you are not using a built in/standard WooCommerce search results page (e.g. your search results URL does not have post_type=product anywhere) this extension is not necessary. As a result, if you would like to disable SearchWP s notification add the following to your theme s functions.php:

add_filter( 'searchwp_missing_integration_notices', '__return_false' );

WooCommerce is one of the leading e-commerce platforms for WordPress. SearchWP makes searching your WooCommerce store much more powerful than native WordPress search. WooCommerce also has it s own set of search tools and filtering options. WooCommerce Integration aims to bridge the gap between all of WooCommerce s search tools and SearchWP.

Simply download WooCommerce Integration and activate it alongside SearchWP. SearchWP extensions are separate plugins that in and of themselves are standalone WordPress plugins.

Product Variations

WooCommerce stores Product Variations in a different way than it does Products. There are a few things you can do to integrate Product Variation data alongside your Products depending on how you want results to appear.

If you would like to index Product Variation data alongside Products (allowing Product Variation data to cause the parent Product to appear in search results) you can follow the example outlined by this KB article: Indexing and Searching WooCommerce Product Variation SKUs

Alternatively, you can force Product Variations to appear as their own post type by using this as a starting point: view code snippet.

Read more at the official sales page…

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