By default, bbPress registers it s post types to be excluded from search. Use the bbPress Integration Extension to allow SearchWP to include bbPress content in search results.
What s most useful about this Extension is the ability to have search weight normally found in Replies actually count toward the Topic by enabling post parent attribution when configuring Replies:
When enabled, search results will point to the parent Topic instead of the single Reply, which is awesome.
Read more at the official sales page…
By default, bbPress registers it s post types to be excluded from search. Use the bbPress Integration Extension to allow SearchWP to include bbPress content in search results.
What s most useful about this Extension is the ability to have search weight normally found in Replies actually count toward the Topic by enabling post parent attribution when configuring Replies:
When enabled, search results will point to the parent Topic instead of the single Reply, which is awesome.
Read more at the official sales page…