Cancel members subscriptions after X failed payments. Where x is a value you define for your own site needs.
If a user has X failed payments without a successful order in between, their subscription is cancelled.
Then, set the rule to cancel membership after X failed payments. After installing and activating the plugin, you must set a constant for PMPRO_FAILED_PAYMENT_LIMIT (either in your theme s functions.php file or helper customizations plugin) for the number of failures.
Read more at the official sales page…
Cancel members subscriptions after X failed payments. Where x is a value you define for your own site needs.
If a user has X failed payments without a successful order in between, their subscription is cancelled.
Then, set the rule to cancel membership after X failed payments. After installing and activating the plugin, you must set a constant for PMPRO_FAILED_PAYMENT_LIMIT (either in your theme s functions.php file or helper customizations plugin) for the number of failures.
Read more at the official sales page…