This plugin will add the PMPro Require Membership meta box to all CPTs selected.
If a non-member visits that single CPT (either a logged out visitor or a logged in user without membership access) they will be redirected to the selected page.
Adds the Require Membership meta box to all CPTs selected and redirects non-members to the selected page.
It even works with WooCommerce for members only products (redirects users without access from the single product view).
Read more at the official sales page…
This plugin will add the PMPro Require Membership meta box to all CPTs selected.
If a non-member visits that single CPT (either a logged out visitor or a logged in user without membership access) they will be redirected to the selected page.
Adds the Require Membership meta box to all CPTs selected and redirects non-members to the selected page.
It even works with WooCommerce for members only products (redirects users without access from the single product view).
Read more at the official sales page…