Many sites are hacked and infected long before the site owner is aware that anything has happened. It often leads to malware listings from popular browsers like FireFox and Chrome costing you leads, your brand s reputation, potential customers, and in turn, sales.
The MainWP Sucuri Extension uses Sucuri s proprietary SiteCheck Tool to scan your sites. SiteCheck provides web-based malware scanning of your web sites using the latest in fingerprinting technology.
It gives you a quick way to determine if your web applications are out of date, exploited with malware, or even blacklisted by popular search engines all directly from your MainWP Dashboard!
In case you forget to scan your sites, MainWP Sucuri Extension will remind you. Also, it will save all your scan reports!
Scan For:
Also, Check For
The Sucuri extension enables you to check your site s Blacklisting Status utilizing multiple tools.
You can check the status of your site with the following tools:
You should scan your sites regularly to avoid potential disasters.
Ensure your sites are not blacklisted and losing traffic from the major search engines.
Read more at the official sales page…
Many sites are hacked and infected long before the site owner is aware that anything has happened. It often leads to malware listings from popular browsers like FireFox and Chrome costing you leads, your brand s reputation, potential customers, and in turn, sales.
The MainWP Sucuri Extension uses Sucuri s proprietary SiteCheck Tool to scan your sites. SiteCheck provides web-based malware scanning of your web sites using the latest in fingerprinting technology.
It gives you a quick way to determine if your web applications are out of date, exploited with malware, or even blacklisted by popular search engines all directly from your MainWP Dashboard!
In case you forget to scan your sites, MainWP Sucuri Extension will remind you. Also, it will save all your scan reports!
Scan For:
Also, Check For
The Sucuri extension enables you to check your site s Blacklisting Status utilizing multiple tools.
You can check the status of your site with the following tools:
You should scan your sites regularly to avoid potential disasters.
Ensure your sites are not blacklisted and losing traffic from the major search engines.
Read more at the official sales page…