MainWP Staging Extension

in , on 14/12/2022
Mainwp - Staging Extension

Mainwp – Staging Extension

With the MainWP Staging Extension, you can create and manage Staging sites for your child sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard.

What are Staging Sites and Why Do You Need Them

Staging Sites are sites that duplicate your Production Sites (same hardware, same software, same settings) so that any change can be tested and evaluated before being placed into production. In other words, it s a complete but independent copy of your production site, including the database. Staging sites can be used while building a new website, but it can come handy when you need to update or improve an existing site. By working in a staging environment, you ensure that the experience of your visitors isn t disturbed as you make edits. Your production site will continue to work normally until you decide to push changes live. With the MainWP Staging Extension, you will be able to test and evaluate any change on a staging site before making any update on your production site. MainWP Dashboard automatically connects newly created staging sites so you can use staging sites as normal child sites and perform any action on them. Once you are sure that everything works as expected, you can go ahead and apply the same changes to your live sites.

Avoid time-consuming, expensive mistakes when updating live WordPress sites

  • Site going blank with a white screen
  • Loosing of content you spent countless hours on
  • CSS overrides being deleted
  • Plugin conflicts causing loss of functionality or design
  • Error messages appearing for public users
  • Broken links and images

Other Benefits Using the MainWP Staging Extension

  • troubleshoot plugin issues without spreading the problem to your live site
  • eliminate the negative impact of a crashed website on conversion and sales
  • test every element at their own pace without the time constraint of having the actual site in maintenance mode.

Read more at the official sales page…

Release Information

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Mainwp - Staging Extension

Release Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated


Mainwp – Staging Extension

With the MainWP Staging Extension, you can create and manage Staging sites for your child sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard.

What are Staging Sites and Why Do You Need Them

Staging Sites are sites that duplicate your Production Sites (same hardware, same software, same settings) so that any change can be tested and evaluated before being placed into production. In other words, it s a complete but independent copy of your production site, including the database. Staging sites can be used while building a new website, but it can come handy when you need to update or improve an existing site. By working in a staging environment, you ensure that the experience of your visitors isn t disturbed as you make edits. Your production site will continue to work normally until you decide to push changes live. With the MainWP Staging Extension, you will be able to test and evaluate any change on a staging site before making any update on your production site. MainWP Dashboard automatically connects newly created staging sites so you can use staging sites as normal child sites and perform any action on them. Once you are sure that everything works as expected, you can go ahead and apply the same changes to your live sites.

Avoid time-consuming, expensive mistakes when updating live WordPress sites

  • Site going blank with a white screen
  • Loosing of content you spent countless hours on
  • CSS overrides being deleted
  • Plugin conflicts causing loss of functionality or design
  • Error messages appearing for public users
  • Broken links and images

Other Benefits Using the MainWP Staging Extension

  • troubleshoot plugin issues without spreading the problem to your live site
  • eliminate the negative impact of a crashed website on conversion and sales
  • test every element at their own pace without the time constraint of having the actual site in maintenance mode.

Read more at the official sales page…

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