Send your WordPress form notifications using the SendGrid email service.
The SendGrid add-on seamlessly integrates SendGrid with Gravity Forms to allow you to easily send all of your form notifications directly to the SendGrid API.
Having trouble with form notification emails sending from your web server Send them with the SendGrid email service instead!
By using a dedicated email service like SendGrid to send your form notification emails rather than from within your WordPress web server, notifications are much more reliable to ensure you don’t miss a single event!
Read more at the official sales page…
Send your WordPress form notifications using the SendGrid email service.
The SendGrid add-on seamlessly integrates SendGrid with Gravity Forms to allow you to easily send all of your form notifications directly to the SendGrid API.
Having trouble with form notification emails sending from your web server Send them with the SendGrid email service instead!
By using a dedicated email service like SendGrid to send your form notification emails rather than from within your WordPress web server, notifications are much more reliable to ensure you don’t miss a single event!
Read more at the official sales page…