Send form notifications using the Mailgun email service.
The Mailgun add-on seamlessly integrates Gravity Forms with Mailgun to easily send form notifications using the Mailgun email service.
Easily use Mailgun to send your form notifications.
Do you ever wonder if your notifications emails are actually making it to the recipient With the Mailgun add-on, your notifications are more reliable than ever!
Need to see if someone opened a notification email or clicked on a link inside it With Gravity Forms and Mailgun, tracking open and click rates and as simple as one click!
Read more at the official sales page…
Send form notifications using the Mailgun email service.
The Mailgun add-on seamlessly integrates Gravity Forms with Mailgun to easily send form notifications using the Mailgun email service.
Easily use Mailgun to send your form notifications.
Do you ever wonder if your notifications emails are actually making it to the recipient With the Mailgun add-on, your notifications are more reliable than ever!
Need to see if someone opened a notification email or clicked on a link inside it With Gravity Forms and Mailgun, tracking open and click rates and as simple as one click!
Read more at the official sales page…