Global Gallery – WordPress Responsive Gallery

in , on 17/02/2025
Global Gallery - Wordpress Responsive Gallery

Global Gallery – WordPress Responsive Gallery

Display photos in your website easily and with style. Catch images from socials or use WP library. Finally design your galleries, choose the lightbox and protect them with watermark.

Create fully responsive and adaptive galleries on your website.

Global Gallery handles unlimited image sources and comes with three gallery layouts, ten lightboxes ready to use and is designed to be displayed on each device. Plus, it comes with fully featured slider and carousel!

Features list

  • Unlimited photogalleries. Each one capable of storing thousands of images
  • 3 gallery layouts: Standard (fixed images sizes), masonry and photostring (justified)
  • Images slider with fixed/responsive sizing and lightbox support
  • Images carousel with multi-column and image-centric mode + lightbox support
  • Visual gallery builder with drag&drop sorting and thumbnails cropping management
  • Automatic gallery population with automatic cache update
  • Unlimited image sources
    • WordPress image library
    • WordPress categories or custom post types (associated to a taxonomy)
    • Flickr sets, photostreams and tags
    • Facebook pages album
    • Instagram personal account
    • Pinterest boards
    • Google+ albums
    • Google Drive
    • Twitter accounts and hashtags
    • nextGEN gallery plugin galleries
    • Tumblr blogs
    • Local server folders (FTP uploaded)
    • 500px user profiles
    • ANY RSS feed
  • WordPress gallery integration (use WP engine to setup galleries)
  • 10 lightboxes ready out of the box. Each one with specific customizations
    • LC lightbox (EXCLUSIVE)
    • Lightcase
    • Simple Lightbox
    • Tos R us
    • MagnificPopup
    • imageLightbox
    • Photobox
    • Fancybox
    • Colorbox
    • PrettyPhoto
  • Images pagination (each system has dark and light skin)
  • standard system (with 3 button styles)
  • Infinite scroll
  • Numbered buttons
  • Dots
  • Gallery Collections with filtering system
    • 600+ icons to beautify filters
    • Deeplinked filters and collection galleries
    • Text under images with optional description
  • Three overlay modes (fullsize, top and bottom )
  • Four icons to choose from, for secondary overlay
  • Grayscale and blur image effects
  • Image watermarking system
  • Fully responsive, adapt itself to any container
  • Handy shortcode wizard
  • Visual Composer and Cornerstone native integration
  • Full image sizes, colors, margins, borders control
  • Shortcode options to override pagination settings
  • Custom image sizes configurable for individual galleries
  • 1-click immediate setup with 8 preset styles
  • Advanced gallery cache, optimizing resources usage and loading speed
  • Images right-click protection
  • Unlimited overlays styles using Overlay Manager add-on

Walkthrough Videos

To make the plugin easy for everyone, the documentation comes with detailed videos explaining each step necessary to setup and use Global Gallery. Videos aim is purely educational, to check all features, take a look at screenshots!

  • Main Settings
  • Main Settings part II
  • First gallery creation with WP library
  • Galleries with Google+ images (May 2015 update)
  • Galleries with: WP categories, Flickr, Instagram
  • Galleries with: Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, 500px
  • Galleries with: Tumblr, RSS feed, nextGEN gallery
  • Galleries with Google Drive public folders
  • Twitter profiles and hashtags
  • Galleries with Global Gallery albums
  • Automatic gallery creation
  • WP galleries integration
  • Gallery Categories
  • Gallery Collections
  • Styling galleries
  • Manage lightboxes
  • Shortcode wizard
  • Image Slider
  • Image Carousel
  • Use a watermark

Unlimited responsive and adaptive galleries

Global Gallery allows you to create awesome responsive galleries on your wordpress site, in few minutes. Is designed to keep things beautiful on any device and any browser. At the same time is also adaptive: place it wherever in your website!

Choose whether to display your images with a classic gallery layout, masonry one or the new PhothoString one. (check out layout examples). Sort images, set the author, description and title. Finally, set thumbnails center to always display images correctly.

Each gallery may contain hundreads of images that, obviously, can be paginated using simple arrows, multiple buttons, dots or also infinite scroll system! Standard pagination button is also customizable: there are 4 different layouts to choose from.

Link gallery images: simply choose a WP page or enter a custom URL. Linked images won t be opened in the classic lightbox, becoming a nice way to manage traffic in your website.

Also managing huge images amount won t be a problem anymore. Using easy-sorting mode gallery builder becomes compact, allowing you to sort everything seamlessly.

Choose images source

Why using only wordpress images Global Gallery is ready to catch images from:

  • Your WordPress media library
  • WordPress category posts
  • Any WordPress custom post type associated with a taxonomy (eg. WooCommerce)
  • Global Gallery albums (created via FTP)
  • Flickr sets / photostreams/ tags
  • Instagram accounts and hashtags
  • Pinterest boards
  • Facebook pages
  • Google+ albums
  • Google Drive
  • Twitter profiles and hashtags
  • nextGEN plugin galleries
  • Tumblr blog
  • 500px users

It can also handle any RSS feed, turning into a true global tool. Everything is simple and easy. Requiring no skills!

Automatic gallery creation

Don t want to lose time selecting images one by one Global Gallery can create galleries with a single click!

Images will be added automatically, letting you the ability to choose whether display titles, authors and descriptions.

Set images cache refresh interval or just leave it static. Finally, choose where to randomize fetched images!

WordPress galleries integration

The plugin seamlessly integrates also with WordPress galleries. Acting globally or just for specific pages.

But what does it means WordPress gallery shortcode will be managed through Global Gallery systems. A great way to speed up things on websites already using it!

Image Slider

Global Gallery features a fully responsive, slider with full control on width and height It is highly optimized to run on mobile browsers with touch interactions.

You can manage each aspect: from images displaying mode to sliding effects, thumbnails sizes, timings, auto-slideshow and shown elements.

Plus, as you would do with galleries shortcode, images can be displayed randomly and watermarked!

Image Carousel

Galleries and sliders are not enough The plugin includes a fully featured carousel! Responsive, adaptive and touch-ready, can be configured with a lot of options As with slider, is flexible and adapts to your needs: from shown images number to rows number, from random function to watermark. Of course has got slideshow function with timing option!

Choose your lightbox

Why forcing you to use a specific lightbox Global Gallery comes with ten lightboxes ready to use: Tos R us, Lightcase, imageLightbox, MagnificPopup, Fancybox, ColorBox, Photobox, Simple Lightbox, PrettyPhoto and the exclusive LC Lightbox!

Each one is easily customizable with specific options!

In particular, LC lightbox brings new features such as images zoom, a true deeplinking system and fullscreen mode. It is also mobile optimized and takes advantage of the touchswipe technologies to provide the best user experience!

Watermarking system

Protect your images disabling mouse right click and, moreover, with a real watermarking system!

Just choose wich logo to use, its opacity and position. Visitors won t be able to get original images, creating a super-secure environment, great for e-commerce and copyrighted contents.

System is totally optional: watermark images or not, by simply switching an option in shortcode builder. Take a look to a watermark demo here.

Create gallery collections

Need a smart and clean way to display and categorize multiple galleries With Global Gallery you can group them creating collections.

Select, sort and manage galleries to display within each collection. Finally insert them in your pages through collections shortcode and decide if show filters. Is also possible to write a short excerpt for each gallery and link collection elements!

WP builders integration

Stop wondering what hides behind complex shortcodes and start using real-time previews! They are the state-of-the-art of modern wordpress page building, speeding up development.

The plugin natively integrates with Visual Composer and Cornerstone, to give you the best user experience available today on wordpress.

1 Click fast setup, thumbnail effects and much more

Are you not familiar with web sizes, margins or colors No problem, the plugin comes with 6 preset stylesapplicable with only one click. Of course every chosen style can be customized to create unique combinations.

Global Gallery has also got two premium image effects: grayscale and blur! Seamlessly integrated and with no coding skill at all.

As every LCweb project, you the most complete control over plugin s look and feel. Everything is fully custimizable: sizes, margins, borders, colors, shadows, overlay position, opacity, and behavior.

Is also possible to choose among 16 CSS-based preloaders! Try few of the many possible customizations on demo page


  • Please note that, obviously, plugin requires a responsive theme to be responsive.
  • Fetchable images number for socials depends on their rules
  • Google and Facebook integration is available for servers running PHP 5.4 and later
  • Watermarker requires read/write permissions from your server
  • Please note from March 15 2017 Dropbox integration isn t available anymore due to Public Folders removal

Read more at the official sales page…

Release Information

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Global Gallery - Wordpress Responsive Gallery

Release Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated


Global Gallery – WordPress Responsive Gallery

Display photos in your website easily and with style. Catch images from socials or use WP library. Finally design your galleries, choose the lightbox and protect them with watermark.

Create fully responsive and adaptive galleries on your website.

Global Gallery handles unlimited image sources and comes with three gallery layouts, ten lightboxes ready to use and is designed to be displayed on each device. Plus, it comes with fully featured slider and carousel!

Features list

  • Unlimited photogalleries. Each one capable of storing thousands of images
  • 3 gallery layouts: Standard (fixed images sizes), masonry and photostring (justified)
  • Images slider with fixed/responsive sizing and lightbox support
  • Images carousel with multi-column and image-centric mode + lightbox support
  • Visual gallery builder with drag&drop sorting and thumbnails cropping management
  • Automatic gallery population with automatic cache update
  • Unlimited image sources
    • WordPress image library
    • WordPress categories or custom post types (associated to a taxonomy)
    • Flickr sets, photostreams and tags
    • Facebook pages album
    • Instagram personal account
    • Pinterest boards
    • Google+ albums
    • Google Drive
    • Twitter accounts and hashtags
    • nextGEN gallery plugin galleries
    • Tumblr blogs
    • Local server folders (FTP uploaded)
    • 500px user profiles
    • ANY RSS feed
  • WordPress gallery integration (use WP engine to setup galleries)
  • 10 lightboxes ready out of the box. Each one with specific customizations
    • LC lightbox (EXCLUSIVE)
    • Lightcase
    • Simple Lightbox
    • Tos R us
    • MagnificPopup
    • imageLightbox
    • Photobox
    • Fancybox
    • Colorbox
    • PrettyPhoto
  • Images pagination (each system has dark and light skin)
  • standard system (with 3 button styles)
  • Infinite scroll
  • Numbered buttons
  • Dots
  • Gallery Collections with filtering system
    • 600+ icons to beautify filters
    • Deeplinked filters and collection galleries
    • Text under images with optional description
  • Three overlay modes (fullsize, top and bottom )
  • Four icons to choose from, for secondary overlay
  • Grayscale and blur image effects
  • Image watermarking system
  • Fully responsive, adapt itself to any container
  • Handy shortcode wizard
  • Visual Composer and Cornerstone native integration
  • Full image sizes, colors, margins, borders control
  • Shortcode options to override pagination settings
  • Custom image sizes configurable for individual galleries
  • 1-click immediate setup with 8 preset styles
  • Advanced gallery cache, optimizing resources usage and loading speed
  • Images right-click protection
  • Unlimited overlays styles using Overlay Manager add-on

Walkthrough Videos

To make the plugin easy for everyone, the documentation comes with detailed videos explaining each step necessary to setup and use Global Gallery. Videos aim is purely educational, to check all features, take a look at screenshots!

  • Main Settings
  • Main Settings part II
  • First gallery creation with WP library
  • Galleries with Google+ images (May 2015 update)
  • Galleries with: WP categories, Flickr, Instagram
  • Galleries with: Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, 500px
  • Galleries with: Tumblr, RSS feed, nextGEN gallery
  • Galleries with Google Drive public folders
  • Twitter profiles and hashtags
  • Galleries with Global Gallery albums
  • Automatic gallery creation
  • WP galleries integration
  • Gallery Categories
  • Gallery Collections
  • Styling galleries
  • Manage lightboxes
  • Shortcode wizard
  • Image Slider
  • Image Carousel
  • Use a watermark

Unlimited responsive and adaptive galleries

Global Gallery allows you to create awesome responsive galleries on your wordpress site, in few minutes. Is designed to keep things beautiful on any device and any browser. At the same time is also adaptive: place it wherever in your website!

Choose whether to display your images with a classic gallery layout, masonry one or the new PhothoString one. (check out layout examples). Sort images, set the author, description and title. Finally, set thumbnails center to always display images correctly.

Each gallery may contain hundreads of images that, obviously, can be paginated using simple arrows, multiple buttons, dots or also infinite scroll system! Standard pagination button is also customizable: there are 4 different layouts to choose from.

Link gallery images: simply choose a WP page or enter a custom URL. Linked images won t be opened in the classic lightbox, becoming a nice way to manage traffic in your website.

Also managing huge images amount won t be a problem anymore. Using easy-sorting mode gallery builder becomes compact, allowing you to sort everything seamlessly.

Choose images source

Why using only wordpress images Global Gallery is ready to catch images from:

  • Your WordPress media library
  • WordPress category posts
  • Any WordPress custom post type associated with a taxonomy (eg. WooCommerce)
  • Global Gallery albums (created via FTP)
  • Flickr sets / photostreams/ tags
  • Instagram accounts and hashtags
  • Pinterest boards
  • Facebook pages
  • Google+ albums
  • Google Drive
  • Twitter profiles and hashtags
  • nextGEN plugin galleries
  • Tumblr blog
  • 500px users

It can also handle any RSS feed, turning into a true global tool. Everything is simple and easy. Requiring no skills!

Automatic gallery creation

Don t want to lose time selecting images one by one Global Gallery can create galleries with a single click!

Images will be added automatically, letting you the ability to choose whether display titles, authors and descriptions.

Set images cache refresh interval or just leave it static. Finally, choose where to randomize fetched images!

WordPress galleries integration

The plugin seamlessly integrates also with WordPress galleries. Acting globally or just for specific pages.

But what does it means WordPress gallery shortcode will be managed through Global Gallery systems. A great way to speed up things on websites already using it!

Image Slider

Global Gallery features a fully responsive, slider with full control on width and height It is highly optimized to run on mobile browsers with touch interactions.

You can manage each aspect: from images displaying mode to sliding effects, thumbnails sizes, timings, auto-slideshow and shown elements.

Plus, as you would do with galleries shortcode, images can be displayed randomly and watermarked!

Image Carousel

Galleries and sliders are not enough The plugin includes a fully featured carousel! Responsive, adaptive and touch-ready, can be configured with a lot of options As with slider, is flexible and adapts to your needs: from shown images number to rows number, from random function to watermark. Of course has got slideshow function with timing option!

Choose your lightbox

Why forcing you to use a specific lightbox Global Gallery comes with ten lightboxes ready to use: Tos R us, Lightcase, imageLightbox, MagnificPopup, Fancybox, ColorBox, Photobox, Simple Lightbox, PrettyPhoto and the exclusive LC Lightbox!

Each one is easily customizable with specific options!

In particular, LC lightbox brings new features such as images zoom, a true deeplinking system and fullscreen mode. It is also mobile optimized and takes advantage of the touchswipe technologies to provide the best user experience!

Watermarking system

Protect your images disabling mouse right click and, moreover, with a real watermarking system!

Just choose wich logo to use, its opacity and position. Visitors won t be able to get original images, creating a super-secure environment, great for e-commerce and copyrighted contents.

System is totally optional: watermark images or not, by simply switching an option in shortcode builder. Take a look to a watermark demo here.

Create gallery collections

Need a smart and clean way to display and categorize multiple galleries With Global Gallery you can group them creating collections.

Select, sort and manage galleries to display within each collection. Finally insert them in your pages through collections shortcode and decide if show filters. Is also possible to write a short excerpt for each gallery and link collection elements!

WP builders integration

Stop wondering what hides behind complex shortcodes and start using real-time previews! They are the state-of-the-art of modern wordpress page building, speeding up development.

The plugin natively integrates with Visual Composer and Cornerstone, to give you the best user experience available today on wordpress.

1 Click fast setup, thumbnail effects and much more

Are you not familiar with web sizes, margins or colors No problem, the plugin comes with 6 preset stylesapplicable with only one click. Of course every chosen style can be customized to create unique combinations.

Global Gallery has also got two premium image effects: grayscale and blur! Seamlessly integrated and with no coding skill at all.

As every LCweb project, you the most complete control over plugin s look and feel. Everything is fully custimizable: sizes, margins, borders, colors, shadows, overlay position, opacity, and behavior.

Is also possible to choose among 16 CSS-based preloaders! Try few of the many possible customizations on demo page


  • Please note that, obviously, plugin requires a responsive theme to be responsive.
  • Fetchable images number for socials depends on their rules
  • Google and Facebook integration is available for servers running PHP 5.4 and later
  • Watermarker requires read/write permissions from your server
  • Please note from March 15 2017 Dropbox integration isn t available anymore due to Public Folders removal

Read more at the official sales page…

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