Event Slider addon can convert your calendar events into beautifully crafted slider of events, that place events on spotlight!
Capture your viewers attention by adding a slider of events to your website. Slider addon gives you various options and display layouts from multiple slides to carousels.
Using the eventON shortcode generator you can customize various options for the slider to fit your need.
This view of the slider allow you to show multiple events at a time and slide them continuously.
Super elegant and minimal micro carousel type slider that will capture all the events in very little space.
Select from several slide designs for a slider that best fits your audience.
When hover on a slide the slide will come into focus and rest will fade out.
Show more than one event in the vertical slider variation that will also auto adjust the height to fit all the event slide content when scrolling through the events.
Read more at the official sales page…
Event Slider addon can convert your calendar events into beautifully crafted slider of events, that place events on spotlight!
Capture your viewers attention by adding a slider of events to your website. Slider addon gives you various options and display layouts from multiple slides to carousels.
Using the eventON shortcode generator you can customize various options for the slider to fit your need.
This view of the slider allow you to show multiple events at a time and slide them continuously.
Super elegant and minimal micro carousel type slider that will capture all the events in very little space.
Select from several slide designs for a slider that best fits your audience.
When hover on a slide the slide will come into focus and rest will fade out.
Show more than one event in the vertical slider variation that will also auto adjust the height to fit all the event slide content when scrolling through the events.
Read more at the official sales page…